Thursday, December 30, 2010

Saat ini rasanya sudah tidak asing lagi jika mendapati kereta api memasuki Kota Sawahlunto pada setiap akhir pekan. Hal ini rutin terjadi sejak beroperasinya kereta api wisata Danau Singkarak sekitar februari tahun lalu. Ratusan penumpang berasal dari Padang Panjang, Solok dan sekitarnya. Mereka berebut turun dari Kereta api sesampai di stasiun terakhir, yaitu stasiun kereta api Sawahlunto. Akan tetapi, kebanyakan penumpang mulai kebingungan setelah turun dari kereta. Tidak tahu secara pasti bagaimana menuju obyek-obyek wisata Kota Sawahlunto.

Untuk menikmati wisata di Sawahlunto sebenarnya sangatlah mudah.  Di depan stasiun terdapat petunjuk ke arah objek wisata yang ada di Sawahlunto, seperti tujuan Taman Satwa Kandi yang berjarak sekitar 11 Km ataupun Waterboom Sawahlunto yang berjarak 6 km dari stasiun.

Transportasi untuk menuju objek-objek wisata tersebut mudah ditemukan. Terdapat angkutan umum yang mangkal di depan stasiun. Dengan tarif Rp 10,000,/orang, angkutan umum ini mengantarkan pengunjung pulang-pergi ke objek wisata yang mereka inginkan.

Berikut adalah jadwal kereta api wisata danau Singkarak yang secara reguler berangkat dari Kota Padang Panjang - Sawahlunto - Padang Panjang (pp) setiap hari Minggu:


Padang Panjang
Kubu Kerambil
Batu Tebal
Sungai Lasi
Muaro Kalaban


Muara Kalaban
Sungai Lasi
Batu Tebal
Kubu Kerambil
Padang Panjang

Sedangkan tarif kereta api wisata Danau Singkarak tersebut sebagai berikut:

Padang Panjang
Padang Panjang


Padang Panjang
Padang Panjang

Semoga tulisan ini bisa membantu siapapun yang ingin melakukan kunjungan wisata ke Kota Sawahlunto.

Untuk informasi lebih lengkap tentang jadwal dan harga Kereta Api Wisata Danau Singkarak dari Padang Panjang ke Sawahlunto bisa menghubungi:
Kepala Stasiun Kereta Api Sawahlunto: 081363 247 817
Kepala Stasiun Kereta Api Solok: 085274 740 653
Kepala Stasiun Kereta Api Padang Panjang: 081374 281 188

disadur dari :

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Kota Sawahlunto or Sawah Lunto is a town in West Sumatra, Indonesia. This town covers 5.86 km² and has a population of 15,279.
Sawahlunto is one of the mining towns in West Sumatra. It was first established as a town in 1982 by the Dutch along with the coal mining operations during that time. Coal was discovered in the mid-19th century by Ir. de Greve. It was then suggested to the Dutch to mine coal in the area as it was much needed for the development of the industry and transportation at that time. Since the discovery of coal, the area has been frequently visited by geologists. Coal mining was pioneered in this area after the eventual "surrender" of the area to the Dutch in 1876. Mining was initiated in the country after its independence and was named PT Tambang Batubara Ombilin (TBO). TBO was later liquidated to be a subsidiary of PTBA (Bukit Asam) which is located in Southern Sumatra. Ever since the reformation, the area has experienced a growth in the mining community as the people felt compelled to participate in coal mining. Coal mining was not only restricted within the boundaries of the community but also extended to the land owned by PTBA TPO. The mayor at that time was Ir. Amran Nur, with Erizal Ridwan S.T. as his representative.

Administrative divisions

Sawahlunto was also known as a mining town with a geographical size of 27.345 Ha or 273.45 km². Administratively Sawahlunto is divided by 4 districts, 10 sub districts and 27 villages (desa) and 95 km away from Padang (capital of West Sumatra). It is a 2 hour drive from Padang.
Sawahlunto has a maximum elevation of about 650m above sea level. The landscape is primarily made up of steep hills which act as a hindrance to the development of the town while the old town center spanned 5.8km2. Relatively flat lands can be found in Kecamatan Talawi district. The area that runs from north to south has a relatively steep topography at an angle of elevation of approximately 40%. On the other hand, the northern area is relatively gentle sloping. Most of its developments are located at the height of 100-500m. It consists of both protected areas (25.5%) as well as areas set aside for cultivation (73.5%). Its land dominantly consisted of mixed gardening(34.1%), thick forest and scrub(19.5%). 0.2% of the lake was once used for mining.


Similar to the other areas in West Sumatra, the town of Sawahlunto has a tropical climate with temperatures fluctuating around 22°C. The area experiences two seasons throughout the year whereby the monsoon season takes place from November to June while dry spells occur over the period of July to October. They experience approximately 1.071,6 mm of rainfall per year with the wettest month being December.


As of 2005, the total population of Sawahlunto stands at 52,457, consisting of 24,456 males and 26,777 females, with a population density of 191 persons/km².
Their source of income varies from working on farms to mining and service sector. The economic structure of the people of Sawahlunto is majorly supported by the mining industry. Subsectors consists of agriculture, small industries/handicrafts and livestock farming.
With the expansion of the district based on the government law No.44, 1990, Sawahlunto became known not only for their handicrafts, snacks, livestock and fruits, but also as a tourist destination.


Geographically Sawahlunto is located at 033’40” – 043’ 33” South and 100 43’ 13” – 100 50’ 40” East, bounded from the north by Tanah Datar district, the east by Sawahlunto/Sijunjung district and the south by Solok district.


Sawahlunto is one of the many towns located in the area of Bukit Barisan West Sumatra, but with a history different from the other towns.
Towns such as Bukit Tinggi, Batusangkar, Payakumbuh, Padang Panjang and Solok is shaped by the Minang community, while Sawahlunto, by the mining business during the colonisation of the Dutch in 1888. Sawahlunto started becoming a residential area for coal miners when the Dutch Indian government invested 5.5 million golden (the Dutch currency at that time) to build various facilities to manage the coal mining industry Ombilin. This residential area continued to expand to become a small town which consisted mainly of officers and coal miners.
The Dutch also built a train system costing 17 million golden as a mode for coal to be transported out from Sawahlunto through Padang. Trains have been in operation since 1888 but only recently reached Muara kalaban and later on reaching Sawahlunto in 1894. Having trains as a mode of transport brought in huge profits from the investment from only tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands tons of coal per year. Losses turned into big profits as much as 4.6 million golden in a year in 1920. Until 1898, the coal mining business still uses forced labour, known as narapaidana, who were forced to work with minimum wage. In 1908 wages for forced labour was 18 cents/day and they were subjected to whips under legal sanctions should they rebel. Wages for contract workers were 32 cents/day and they were entitled to housing facilities and healthcare facilities. Meanwhile, wages for other labourers were 62 cents/day without benefits (Zubir,1995). With that, you can picture Sawahlunto to be a prisoner camp for the forced workers in the early 20th century.
In 1918 Sawahlunto was known as Gemeentelijk Ressort or Gemeente with a land area of 778 ha. The name was given to mark its success in coal mining activities at that time. The total population in 1930 was 43,576 consisting of 564 Europeans. Even though Sawahlunto have yet to become Stadsgemeente, the management of the town was done by Stadsgemeenteraad (DPRD) and Burgemeester (Walikota).
Globally, since 1940 till end 70s the production of coals Ombilin declined, and returned only tens of thousands of tons per year. Sawahlunto also faced a decline in coal production indicative of the decline in population to only 13,561 inhabitants in the 1980. With the increased number of facilities, a change in management and the application of new technology, the mining industry increased again since the beginning of the 80s. Moreover, production continued to increase even exceeding 1 million tonnes per year in the late 90's. The population in Sawahlunto increased to 15,279 according to the Census in the year 1990. Even though the population growth rate is only 1.2%, it is still below the annual average population growth rate ofSumatera Barat which reached 1.62% and did not appear correlated with increased production of coal.
On March 10, 1949, a meeting was held between Afdeeling Solok, which is supervised by Sawahlunto/Sijunjung and Kabupaten Solok, under the governance of Stad Gemeente Sawahlunto, which is under the authority of Bupati Sawahlunto/Sijunjung to discuss on the natural resources gained . In the period 1949 - 1965 there were changes in the governance of Sawahlunto/Sijunjung. The status of Act No. 18 in the year 1965 changed to Regional Level II with the title as Kotamadya Sawahlunto commanded by the town, Mayor AKHMAD Noerdin, as of 11 June 1965, with the Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs dated March 8, 1965. The act in Item Number Up 1965. 15/2/13-227 stated the responsibility of the Mayor as the Head of the Regional Sawahlunto.
Thereafter Mayors who led the Town of Sawahlunto since the its inauguration to date are as follows:
  1. ACHMAD NURDIN, SH ( Term of office 1965 s/d 1971 )
  2. Drs. SHAIMOERY, SH ( Term of office 1971 s/d 1983 )
  3. Drs. NURAFLIS SALAM ( Term of office 1983 s/d 1988 )
  4. Drs. H. RAHMATSJAH ( Term of office 1988 s/d 1993 )
  5. Drs. H. SUBARI SUKARDI ( Term of office 1993 s/d 1988 and Term of office 1988 s/d 2003 )
  6. Ir. H. AMRAN NUR ( Term of office 2003 S/D 2008 ) and H. FAUZI HASAN ( Term of office, representative 2008 S/D 2013 )
  7. Ir. H. AMRAN NUR ( Term of office 2003 S/D 2008 ) and H. ERIZAL RIDWAN, ST ( Term of office, representative 2008 S/D 2013 )
In 1990 the admnistration district of Sawahlunto was expanded from only 779ha to 27,344ha which brought about an increase in population. Based on the results of the Census survey conducted with the residences in 1995, the population in Sawahlunto reflected to have increased to 55,090 people even though the land area of Sawahlunto remained the same unlike how towns would generally expand in proportion to the population growth. Due to its landscape, the expansion of Sawahlunto became a form of federation of small towns and rural settlements. However,based on the Census in 2000 the growth of its people was proven to be temporary, as the population of Sawahlunto appeared to be declining. Based on the same Census, it was stated that the total population was 50,668 people, which translates to a decline of 8% over a span of 5 years. One of the reasons for this was that a portion of the employee housing of the Ombilin Coal Mining Unit (UPO) was shifted out of the town area of Sawahlunto. From this aspect, it is obvious that Ombilin coal mining has a very strong influence on Sawahlunto.
Over the course of 100 years, the amount of coal that has been exploited has reached approximately 30 million tonnes with remaining reserves of more than 100 million tonnes. Although the future of the coal mining industry Ombilin remains unclear, due to reserves which can only be exploited internally. Whether or not this will be exploited depends on the market price as well as market demand for coal and technological advancements. In addition, the implementation of coal mining is also facing a re-orientation due to its decentralised expansion. Regardless, the government and people of Sawahlunto are determined to make Sawahlunto a tourist destination with mining as an attraction. This reflects the new relationship between mining Ombilin and town of Sawahlunto which can be further developed.
1 December 1888 marked in inauguration of the town of Sawahlunto and has been commemorated annually since the year 2005 with the traditional 'makan bajamba' along the stretch of Pasar Remaja Kota Sawahlunto.

The following is a flashback about the beginning of government in the city Sawahlunto. This paper can you see in Indonesian at

In 1918 Sawahlunto categorized as Gemeentelijk Ressort or Gemeente with an area of 778 ha. This is because it is related to the peak of the success of mining activities conducted in the area. In 1930 this region has a population of 43,576 inhabitants, of which 564 souls were dutch (Europe). Nevertheless Sawahlunto have not had time to become Stadsgemeente, the city administration carried out by stadsgemeenteraad (DPRD) and Burgemeester (Mayor).

Since 1940 until the end of the 70s Ombilin coal production declined, returning only tens of thousands of tons per year. Sawahlunto also suffer a setback as indicated from the decline of the population to only 13,561 inhabitants in the 1980 census. By adding a few facilities, change management and application of new technology, mining enterprises increased again since the early 80's, its products continued to increase even surpassed 1 million tons per year in the late 90's. Sawahlunto population also increased to 15,279 according to 1990 census, although the population growth rate that only 1.2% per year is still below average population growth rate of West Sumatra, which reached 1.62% and did not seem to have correlation with the increase in coal production. 

Then on March 10, 1949 held a meeting with the Regional Afdeeling Solok results for the above mentioned District Sawahlunto / Sijunjung and Solok district, then the Government stad Sawahlunto Gemeente in duplicate by Regent Sawahlunto / Sijunjung. In the period 1949 - 1965 changes the status of stand-alone or under the Government Sawahlunto / Sijunjung. Next by Law Number 18 in 1965 its status changed to Level II Regional Municipality as its own command-headed Sawahlunto under Mayor AKHMAD Noerdin, SH commencing June 11, 1965 by the Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs dated March 8, 1965 Number 1965 Number Up . 15/2/13-227 in as Acting Mayor appointed Regional Head Sawahlunto.

In 1990 the Sawahlunto and programs expanded from only 779 ha to 27,344 ha which is a consequence of population increase. Based on a survey among the population census 1995, population 55,090 Sawahlunto a soul. In the 2000 census recorded a population of 50,668 inhabitants, meaning that over the past five years has been a reduction of 8%. The decrease is due in part the number of employee housing units Ombilin Mining (UPO) is moved out of urban areas Sawahlunto.
The order of the Mayor who led since the first Sawahlunto Standing up to now as follows:1. ACHMAD Nurdin, SH (term of office for Mayor 1965 s / d 1971)2. Drs. SHAIMOERY, SH (term of office for Mayor 1971 s / d 1983)3. Drs. NURAFLIS GREETINGS (term of office for Mayor 1983 s / d 1988)4. Drs. H. RAHMATSJAH (term of office for Mayor 1988 s / d 1993)5. Drs. H. SUBARI Sukardi (term of office for Mayor 1993 s / d 1998 and
1998 to 2003)6. Ir. H. Amran NUR (term of office for Mayor 2003 S / D 2008)
and H. Fauzi HASAN (term of office for Vice Mayor in 2003 S / D 2008)
And the hands of Mr. Ir. H. NUR Amran, Sawahlunto city changes so rapidly. Development of tourism sector in order to boost the economy of local communities started in motion. With a mission of a cultured MINING CITY TOUR 2020, Ir. H. Amran NUR have already started. Development of tourist spots automatically generate the local economy and also the surrounding community. Not to mention plus the provision of brown seeds and other crops, cattle assistance to communities who want to farm and raise livestock. Salute to "The Leader" ... I am proud to have a leader like you. I still support your struggle .. to advance my Sawahlunto .. Thank you.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Foto by Anton Chandra

Sawahlunto is a small town in Indonesia which lies in the environment of West Sumatra, Bukit Barisan. In 1858, De Groet believe that the area around Sungai Ombilin contain content coal. The indications De Groet was later followed up by Ir Willem Hendrik De Greve in 1867. A more thorough investigation by the Ir Verbeck produce a surprising finding. Suspected area containing a coal range in the tens of million tonnes.

With discovered the mine, local residents began to work and earn a living there. But because of heavy and hard work at the mine, they are many who escaped. Finally, workers are brought from various regions throughout the archipelago. And most workers are from Java. They are employed by force by the Dutch government. Their legs tied with chains, they were whipped and tortured if it does not work. That's why the term "People Chain" or "Orang Rantai" attached to them so strongly "the nation-fighters" who worked in the coal mine. Under torture and suffering they work for the country and nation in the future.

In 1887, the Dutch built the Three Project, the Coal Mine Ombilin, railways, and Pelabuhan Teluk Bayur. Netherlands Indies government invested at 5.5 million guilders to build a coal mine concession facilities such as Pelbuhan teluk Bayur Ombilin and trains.

In 1892, began the first production of this coal mine. Until a few years, practically Sawahlunto economy depends on mining sector. Coal mining area in the City, the mine reaches approximately 16,000 hectares, spread in District Talawi. And Ombilin this is the only coal mine in Indonesia which has a mine in (go to the bowels of the earth).

In 1893, the Government of the Netherlands East Indies completed construction of the Pelabuhan Teluk Bayur. While the railroad that connects the Gulf through the Teluk Bayur-Padangpanjang-Sawahlunto completed in 1893.

Chronological development of rail-Sawahlunto AIP Teluk Bayur:
1. The first railroad made from Water Island (Padang) to Padang Panjang (71 km) completed July 12, 1891.
2. From Padang Panjang - Bukittinggi (19 km) completed November 1891.
3. From Padang Panjang - Solok (53 km) completed in July 1892.
4. Solok - Estuary Kalaban (23 km) and Padang - Bayur Bay (7 km) completed in October 1892.
5. The latter is the estuary Kalaban to Sawahlunto (2 km), which must penetrate a hill with a 835 meter long tunnel that was completed in January 1894. This tunnel (Lubang Kalam) is done by people who had chain.

this is quoted from Syofiardi Bachyul Jb, The Jakarta Post  in mid-2005. Not long after that, this museum is really standing in this city that is almost dead. Good Job by The Mayor Amran Nur.. and we say thank you to him. -Seegetz-

Two museums that will display artifacts from the 19th century will open in two weeks time in Sawahlunto city, West Sumatra. The museum opening is in conjunction with the city's 117 anniversary, said Sawahlunto Mayor Amran Nur.

The museum opening is aimed at attracting tourists to the city, famous as a coal mining center, said Amran. The museums in question are the Train Museum and Storeroom Museum, which are located in downtown Sawahlunto, some 117 kilometers from Padang, the capital of West Sumatra province.

The museums will be inaugurated by Vice President Jusuf Kalla, said Amran.

The train museum is located in the vicinity of Sawahlunto train station. The train and the station began operations in 1894, its main function being to carry coal from Teluk Bayur seaport (formerly Emma Haven seaport) in Padang. Now, the station is open to tourists who can enjoy a train ride through some areas in the city.

Objects of interest at the Train Museum include a signal lamp, train cars and locomotives, as well as photographs of the train in its old days. The museum management obtained the materials from various sources, including the sole train operator in the country, PT Kereta Api Indonesia (PT KAI).

Meanwhile, in the Storeroom Museum, people will get a comprehensive picture of a public kitchen used by the Dutch government to provide food for thousands of coal miners, many of whom were convicts. The public kitchen was built in 1918. The museum displays a four-meter-high fireplace, a number of cooking pots, 132 centimeters in diameter and 62 centimeters deep, various kitchen utensils and photographs depicting life in the city in the old days. "The museum aims to be a living museum so that tourists can feel the dynamics of a public kitchen in operation in the old days," said Amran.

Sawahlunto was founded on Dec. 1, 1888 after the Dutch government gave it the status Gemeente (small town).

The town has a population of 52,529 with people of different ethnicities including Minang, Javanese, Chinese-Indonesians, Batak, Bugis and Sundanese. The city's anniversary was celebrated on Thursday last week with various functions, including Makan Bajamba, a feast attended by over 2,000 people, followed by a Chinese barongsay (lion dance) performance, the Javanese kuda lumping (dance with a model of a horse) and many other attractions.  

Foto by Anton Chandra
Sawahlunto is a small town in Indonesia which lies in the environment of West Sumatra, Bukit Barisan. In 1858, De Groet believe that the area around Sungai Ombilin contain content coal. The indications De Groet was later followed up by Ir Willem Hendrik De Greve in 1867. A more thorough investigation by the Ir Verbeck produce a surprising finding. Suspected area containing a coal range in the tens of million tonnes.

With discovered the mine, local residents began to work and earn a living there. But because of heavy and hard work at the mine, they are many who escaped. Finally, workers are brought from various regions throughout the archipelago. And most workers are from Java. They are employed by force by the Dutch government. Their legs tied with chains, they were whipped and tortured if it does not work. That's why the term "People Chain" or "Orang Rantai" attached to them so strongly "the nation-fighters" who worked in the coal mine. Under torture and suffering they work for the country and nation in the future.

In 1887, the Dutch built the Three Project, the Coal Mine Ombilin, railways, and Pelabuhan Teluk Bayur. Netherlands Indies government invested at 5.5 million guilders to build a coal mine concession facilities such as Pelbuhan teluk Bayur Ombilin and trains.

In 1892, began the first production of this coal mine. Until a few years, practically Sawahlunto economy depends on mining sector. Coal mining area in the City, the mine reaches approximately 16,000 hectares, spread in District Talawi. And Ombilin this is the only coal mine in Indonesia which has a mine in (go to the bowels of the earth).

In 1893, the Government of the Netherlands East Indies completed construction of the Pelabuhan Teluk Bayur. While the railroad that connects the Gulf through the Teluk Bayur-Padangpanjang-Sawahlunto  completed in 1893.

Chronological development of rail-Sawahlunto AIP Teluk Bayur:
1. The first railroad made from Water Island (Padang) to Padang Panjang (71 km) completed July 12, 1891.
2. From Padang Panjang - Bukittinggi (19 km) completed November 1891.
3. From Padang Panjang - Solok (53 km) completed in July 1892.
4. Solok - Estuary Kalaban (23 km) and Padang - Bayur Bay (7 km) completed in October 1892.
5. The latter is the estuary Kalaban to Sawahlunto (2 km), which must penetrate a hill with a 835 meter long tunnel that was completed in January 1894. This tunnel (Lubang Kalam) is done by people who had chain.

This article is also available at:

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

You do not need to think about the cost of transport to visit the following tourist attraction. Because the attractions below, can conquer only by foot if you stay at the CENDANA Homestay.....!!! 


The building was founded in 1918 and serves as a soup kitchen a place to cook food and meet the needs of food for mine workers and RSU Sawahlunto numbering thousands. Namus after independence, this building was some switching functions including :1945-1950, functioning as a place to cook food for the army (TKRI). 1950-1960, as a place for the interests of the administration of coal mining companies Ombilin. 1960-1970 as a place of formal education level of junior secondary school (SMP Ombilin). 1970-1980, serves as a residence and occupancy Ombilin coal mine employees. 1980-2004 karyawn and serves as a residential community as well. 2004-2005, ddI revitalization of this building and on 17 December 2005 was inaugurated as a museum Goedang Ransoem.

To reach this place from Cendana Homestay Sawahlunto, you do not need to bother. Coz' Cendana Homestay Sawahlunto still in the complex and the same area with the Museum Goedang Ransoem.

Learning While Playing in science and technology CENTER Sawahlunto. The building that used science and technology CENTER This is a rice storage place for the Netherlands in the past (Goedang Rice), but now filled with science teaching aids. From this instrument we can learn the laws of physics such as force, gravity, pressure, energy, electrical, and chemical sciences such as distillation system.

This vehicle is the means of the first science center in Sumatra and the fourth in Indonesia, this should be a pride for the community Sawahlunto. In science and technology can we meet CENTER TOWERS HANOI, KOMPOR SUN, TORNADO Vortex, jumping RING, AIR TRACK, MAGIC Square 15, and many more.

It is expected that science and technology CENTER is a medium of learning for young people to develop creativity and foster a love of science and technology; for educators to teach science and technology with issues of popular and hit in the community, for families and communities to learn more about science and technology especially in addressing local, national and global; for experts to be able to communicate science to the public through popular themes and language, as well as for R & D sector, universities and industry in the dissemination and promotion of the results of R & D and production to the public.

To reach this place from Cendana Homestay Sawahlunto, you do not need to bother. Coz' Cendana Homestay Sawahlunto still in the complex and the same area with the IPTEK CENTER.

Soero hole is a tunnel under ground or under the township residents who have long hallways. This corridor begins from the village to the Field office of parliament. That is, the hall was Soero Mbah holes up to 1.5 km with a slope of nearly 20 degrees. Soero pit mining in this is the starting point in the city Sawahlunto open pit mining. Hole Creation Soero made since the year 1891 while the construction is done in the year 1898. Not much different from other mining areas, in holes Soero also using inmates known as the 'Orang Rantai'.

In the course of its history, location very close to the hole Soero Trunk Lunto that brings harm to the environment and the mine itself. That is, the hole had been dug with difficulty and is in the former had closed because of water originating from Trunk Lunto infiltration.

Consequently in 1932 in Hole Soero was forced to stop. At some point in the Hole Soero was forced to close again for the sake of avoiding a greater hazard. Closing this hole made with concrete walls. While it had closed, but after independence hole Mbah Soero Mine reopened in part to conduct an investigation. However, the same condition in 1932 re-encounter. That is, mining equipment can not be done as it is covered by water seepage Lunto Trunk.

Mbah Soero himself known as a foreman was very close to the chain of people and society, he is also known to have high kebathinan science. Because the ability to get along with this high science pupalah Mbah Soero eventually become a role model of society. Mbah Suro was memilki five children with 13 grandchildren. While his wife a midwife. Mbah Suro died before 1930 and is buried in the cemetery One chain, the Tanjung Sari, Sawahlunto.

Along the way some people mention this first open pit mine by the name of 'Loebang Segar', because the holes are located in the Valley Fresh. However, from some of the most popular name in the community of Sawahlunto is Mine Mbah Soero hole.

When we look at the history of manufacturing and mining dilematika is extremely high. Starting from the history, the story and the story of the chain can not get out of this hole Soero. In line with the vision of the city Sawahlunto Mine Tour is a cultured city then, the municipal government to reopen Sawahlunto witness history.


Info Box located in Tangsi Baru. This building by the local government Sawahlunto recommended as Information Center Sawahlunto history of coal mining. Initially, the Info Box is a place of stock field (buildup of coal) were excavated from the hole Coal Mine Mbah Soero. In 1947 at this location was built Meetinghouse Labor (GPB). This building serves as a place of entertainment as well as a place to gamble for the miners workers who live around the area of Field Soil and Water Cold, this is where the miners spend their money after they received their wages. 


Built in 1916 under the name "Ombilin Meinen" functioning as a mining office. And until now, still used as a mining office of PT BA UPO.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Sore ini, sedih tak dapat dihindari di CENDANA HOMESTAY. Belia Trengganu yang telah kami anggap sebagai adik2 kami sendiri, akhirnya harus meninggalkan KOTA SAWAHLUNTO dan CENDANA HOMESTAY. Walau sebentar, tapi kenangan bersama adik2 dan anak2 angkat kami ini begitu berkesan.

Sampai jumpa adik-adik dan anak-anak kami. Terima kasih sudah mengunjungi CENDANA HOMESTAY. Selamat meneruskan perjuangan kalian dalam menuntut ilmu dan belajar mengejar masa depan dan impian kalian semua. Semoga apa yang kalian inginkan di masa yang akan datang bisa terwujud dan tercapai. AMIN.

Kalau ada kota tua yang masih terpelihara, Kota Sawahlunto adalah salah satunya. Memasuki pusat Kota Sawahlunto—sekitar 90 kilometer dari Padang, ibu kota Provinsi Sumatera Barat—pemandangan kota tua yang masih terpelihara langsung menyeruak pandangan mata. Sejumlah bangunan tua peninggalan Belanda masih menjadi tempat tinggal penduduk, perkantoran, atau aneka kios.

Nama Sawahlunto mulai muncuat di dunia internasional setelah Belanda menemukan potensi batu bara di perut Sawahlunto pada abad ke-19. Batu bara mulai berkilat di Sawahlunto setelah ahli geologi Belanda, Willem Hendrik de Greve, melihat ada potensi batu bara di perut Sungai Ombilin, salah satu sungai di Sawahlunto.

Temuan itu dilaporkan ke Pemerintah Hindia Belanda pada tahun 1868-1872. Penelitian kedua gagal dilakukan lantaran Greve terseret arus Sungai Ombilin dan meninggal pada 22 Oktober 1872.

Penambangan batu bara mulai dikerjakan Belanda tahun 1880 di lapangan Sungai Durian. Tahun 1892, produksi perdana batu bara Sawahlunto mencapai 48.000 ton. Pengangkutan batu bara ketika itu menggunakan kereta api.

Hingga kini penambangan batu bara masih tetap ada di Sawahlunto. Selain penambangan oleh PT Bukit Asam, penambangan batu bara dalam skala rakyat ditemui di luar pusat kota.

Kejayaan tambang batu bara zaman Belanda masih tersisa dalam sejumlah bangunan, seperti silo. Silo berbentuk tiga silinder besar yang berfungsi sebagai penimbun batu bara yang telah dibersihkan dan siap diangkut ke Pelabuhan Teluk Bayur. Silo masih berdiri kokoh di tengah kota ini kendati tidak berfungsi apa-apa selain sebagai monumen yang mengingatkan kejayaan batu bara di Sawahlunto ketika itu.

”Sirene di silo masih berbunyi setiap pukul 07.00, 13.00, dan 16.00,” ujar Kepala Dinas Pariwisata Kota Sawahlunto Tun Huseno. Bunyi-bunyi itulah yang menandakan jam kerja orang rantai atau narapidana yang dijadikan kuli pengambil batu bara itu.

Lubang Mbah Soero

Ekspansi tambang baru terus dilakukan Belanda pada tahun 1892. Lubang tambang baru dibuka di lorong bawah tanah pusat kota Sawahlunto. Lokasi tambang dinamakan Lubang Tambang Soegar. Gara-gara Mbah Soero menjadi mandor, lubang yang melintasi bawah tanah pusat Kota Sawahlunto itu juga dinamakan Lubang Tambang Batu Bara Mbah Soero.

Sayangnya, kondisi lubang tambang ini tidak terlampau baik. Kedekatan lubang tambang dengan Sungai Lunto menjadikan rembesan air mengalir begitu deras ke dalam lubang. Sebelum tahun 1930, Belanda menutup lubang ini.

Ketika Pemerintah Kota Sawahlunto hendak membuka kembali lubang tambang ini untuk kepentingan pariwisata, mereka mendapati lubang penuh dengan air. ”Butuh waktu 22 hari untuk menyedot air keluar dari tambang,” tutur Willizon (51), juru kunci lubang tambang Mbah Soero.

Tetapi, tunggu dulu. Ada satu versi lagi yang berkembang di masyarakat seputar penutupan Lubang Tambang Batu Bara Mbah Soero. Sebagian masyarakat meyakini penutupan lubang itu terkait dengan keinginan Belanda untuk menyimpan deposit batu bara untuk kelak kemudian hari.

Kepala Bidang Pertambangan dan Energi Kota Sawahlunto Medi Iswandi memperkirakan deposit batu bara di Lubang Mbah Soero itu masih tersisa sekitar 40 juta ton. ”Kita bisa melihat batu bara berwarna hitam di sisi-sisi terowongan. Batu bara ini yang ditambang saat proses penambangan masih berlangsung,” kata Medi.

Lubang tambang yang kembali dibuka Pemkot Sawahlunto pada pertengahan tahun 2008 itu memang masih menyimpan banyak kandungan batu bara. Sebagian dinding serta atap lubang tambang dipenuhi dengan batu bara. ”Batu bara yang ada mempunyai kualitas baik, yakni 6.000-7.000 kalori,” ujar Willizon lagi.

Kilatan cahaya pantulan dari senter kepala para pengunjung menjadikan batu bara ini tampak gemerlapan. Sebagian tembok menampilkan susunan batu bata yang merupakan peninggalan zaman Belanda.

Walaupun dipenuhi batu bara, Medi menjamin gas berbahaya, seperti metan, monooksida, atau belerang, tidak ditemukan di terowongan itu sehingga aman bagi pengunjung. Pemantauan gas-gas berbahaya dilakukan pemkot hampir setiap hari. Sebuah pipa besar berisi oksigen dimasukkan ke dalam terowongan agar pengunjung tidak sesak napas ketika melintas di terowongan.

Ramainya penambangan pada masa kekuasaan Belanda juga membutuhkan sebuah dapur umum yang bisa memproduksi makanan setiap waktu untuk ribuan orang. Tempat yang sekarang menjadi Museum Goedang Ransoem adalah dapur umum pada waktu itu. Beberapa replika peralatan masak menjadi pengisi museum ini. Terbayanglah betapa banyak kuli tambang yang dipekerjakan dan harus diberi makan setiap hari.

Sebuah tungku penghasil uap air bertekanan tinggi masih berdiri kokoh di samping bangunan dapur. Uap dari tungku ini dialirkan lewat pipa yang berhubungan dengan lantai dasar dapur, lalu berubah bentuk menjadi energi panas untuk mematangkan masakan.

Di dapur inilah, Belanda mempekerjakan para perempuan dan anak untuk memasak selagi suami atau ayah mereka bekerja, sementara anak- anak Belanda bersama orangtua mereka asyik menyaksikan pertunjukan di gedung societet—kini Gedung Pusat Kebudayaan Sawahlunto—anak buruh tambang harus bersimbah peluh, mengupas bawang dan aneka bumbu lain di ruangan yang panas oleh uap untuk memasak makanan./*

Penulis : Agnes Rita Sulistyawati
Sumber : Kompas

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Sawahlunto International Music Festival (SIMFes) 2010 telah dibuka Jumat (3/12) malam ini. Iven ini digelar selama tiga hari, sejak 3 hingga 5 Desember 2010. SIMFes diadakan di Museum Goedang Ransoem, Sawahlunto.

Iven multikultural festival bertaraf internasional ini memeriahkan perayaan 122 tahun usia kota arang itu. Dalam kegiatan tersebut berkumpul para musisi dan budayawan asal nasional maupun internasional.

Acara pembukaan dimulai pada pukul 20.25 WIB. Dalam acara ini hadir Walikota dan Wakil Walikota Sawahlunto, Ketua DPRD, kurator SIMFes, dan banyaktamu undangan lainnya. Peserta yang mengikuti SIMFes 2010 ini datang dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia, bahkan tak sedikit yang datang dari luar negeri.

Dalam sambutannya, para kurator, Edy Utama dan Dr. Hiltrud Cordes, berharap SIMFes diadakan berkelanjutan, setahun sekali. Walikota Sawahlunto pun menyambut baik. Dalam sambutannya disampaikan bahwa DPRD Sawahlunto telah menyetujui untuk diadakannya SIMFes 2011.

"Sebenarnya, kami ingin mengikutsertakan lima benua dalam iven ini. Namun, untuk tahun ini, baru berhasil menggaet tiga benua, yaitu Asia, Afrika, dan Eropa," ujar Edy Utama, kurator, dalam sambutannya.

Pada acara pembukaan tersebut, turut tampil pertunjukan musik siswa SMA 2 Sawahlunto, "Sarumpun Padi." Setelah itu, diperkenalkan peserta SIMFes 2010 berdasarka latar belakang budaya dan tradisi musik yang mereka tampilkan. Penampilan masing-masing peserta mendapat apresiasi dari masyarakat dan undangan yang hadir.

Selanjutnya, ditampilkan pula pertunjukan dari grup Talago Buni, musik kontemporer Minangkabau, kolaborasi berbagai musik etnik (tradisi) di Sumatera Barat.  Dijadwalkan, hingga pukul 02.00 dini hari, masih akan ditampilkan pertunjukan musik tradisi Minangkabau, saluang dan dendang.

Selama dua hari ke depan, penonton akan disuguhkan penampilan menarik dari peserta SIMFes 2010, seperti Minangapentagong Jazzetnik (ISI Padangpanjang-Sumatera Barat), Kelompok Kreatif (FBS-UNP, Sumatera Barat), Togat Nusa (Mentawai), Talago Buni, Etnik Melaka (Malaysia), Keroncong Toegoe (Jakarta), Klaus de Geiger (Jerman), Sarangerel Tserevtsamba (Mongolia), Aly Keita (Afrika), Mohamad Faizal (Singapura). *sumber*

Sebuah acara “hebat” Resmi dimulai di Sawahlunto pada tanggal 3 Desember 2010, event multicultural festival bertaraf internasional - Sawahlunto Internasional Music Festival (SIMFes). Dalam rangka memeriahkan perayaan 122 tahun usia kota arang itu, SIMFes dimulai sejak tanggal 3-5 Desember di salah satu icon wisata kota sawahlunto, yaitu Museum Goedang Ransoem. Tentu saja Cendana Homestay sangat antusias dalam memeriahkan acara ini, karna Cendana Homestay berada tepat di sebelam Museum Goedang Ransoem.

Dalam Festival ini berkumpul para musisi dan budayawan asal nasional maupun internasional seperti Talago Buni (Sumatra Barat), Togat Nusa (Mentawai), Komunitas Kreatif (FBS-Universitas Negeri Padang), Keroncong Toegoe (Jakarta), Kota Arang Perkusi (Swahlunto), La Gandie dan MinangaPentagong Jazzetnik berasal dari ISI Padang Panjang. Sedangkan musisi dari luar negeri, Sangerel Tserevsamba (Mongolia), Klaus Der Geiger (Jerman), Aly Keita (Afrika), Mohamad Faizal (Singapura) dan Musik Etnik Melaka (Malaysia)

“Event ini merupakan suatu kebanggaan dan sekaligus kehormatan bagi kota Sawahlunto, menyelenggarakan sebuah festival musik bertaraf internasional. Dan dapat mengenalkan pariwisata kota budaya ini kepada turis asing maupun masyarakat Indonesia,” ungkap Walikota Sawahlunto Amran Nur

Sawahlunto merupakan kota tua bekas pabrik tambang batubara yang sekarang menjadi salah satu daerah tujuan wisata penting di Sumatra Barat. Sesuai visinya, menjadikan Sawahlunto sebagai kota tambang yang berbudaya, maka berbagai upaya merevitalisasi warisan sejarah dan budaya telah dilakukan, salah satu penunjangnya adalah SIMFes.

“Latarbelakang pelaksanaan kegiatan tersebut, Sawahlunto merupakan kota bersejarah yang tumbuh dan berkembang dalam semangat keragaman etnisitas yang dinamis,” kata Amran. Tentunya, sejarah kota ini tidak dapat dilepaskan dari kehadiran berbagai suku bangsa dari Asia, Eropa, Nusantara dan lokal Minangkabau yang kemudian membentuk mozaik kebudayaan yang masih membekas dengan nyata sampai hari ini.
Sementara itu, kurator Edy Utama mengatakan, pemberian nama SIMfes pada dasarnya merupakan sebuah upaya untuk mengembangkan dialog budaya antar bangsa, berdasarkan semangat idealisme yang masih ada.
Artinya meskipun masing-masing musisi berasal dari latar belakang budaya atau tradisi musik etnik tertentu, namun mereka telah mengkreasikannya menjadi suatu yang baru tanpa kehilangan identitas asalnya. “Ide penyelenggarakan sebuah festival musik bertaraf internasional muncul dari walikota,” ungkapnya.

Tak hanya itu, dalam rangkaian HUT tersebut, Pemko Sawahlunto juga mengelar beberapa kegiatan perlombaan olah raga, pasar malam, festival band Sumbar, Riau dan Jambi. Festival permainan anak nagari, pergelaran seni dan prosesi bajamba serta tabuik. Selain itu, juga digelar pekan Muharam. Ada pameran buku-buku Islam, MTQ festival, qasidah, rabana, pameran pakaian muslim dan tabliq akbar. Di samping menampilkan kebudayan Minang, dalam rangkaian kegiatan tersebut juga ditampilkan pergelaran wayang kulit dan atraksi kuda kepang dan reog ponorogo. Tak ketinggalan, juga dilaksanakan pacu kuda Sawahlunto Derby 2010, yang dipusatkan di gelanggang pacu kuda kandi pada 11-12 Desember 2010, disponsori Bank Nagari dan disiarkan langsung di TVRI Sumbar. **dipetik dari berbagai sumber**

Alhamdulillah, Hari Jumat Tanggal 3 Desember 2010 jam 22.00 di Rumah Bersalin Bidan Emi Sawahlunto, telah lahir seorang PUTRI dari pasangan Sigit Kurniawan dan Erlin Herlianie. Otomatis, Cendana Homestay telah memiliki 1 orang anggota baru di lingkungan keluarganya.

Semoga Putri dari pasangan yang berbahagia ini, dapat menjadi anak yang sholeha dan menjadi pembuka pintu reski di dunia sekaligus pembuka pintu syurga di akhirat bagi orang2 yang menyayanginya.. AMIN.

Selamat datang PUTRI KECIL Cendana Homestay...

Sawahlunto International Music Festival (SIMFes) 2010 telah dibuka Jumat (3/12) malam ini. Iven ini digelar selama tiga hari, sejak 3 hingga 5 Desember 2010. SIMFes diadakan di Museum Goedang Ransoem, Sawahlunto.

Iven multikultural festival bertaraf internasional ini memeriahkan perayaan 122 tahun usia kota arang itu. Dalam kegiatan tersebut berkumpul para musisi dan budayawan asal nasional maupun internasional.

Acara pembukaan dimulai pada pukul 20.25 WIB. Dalam acara ini hadir Walikota dan Wakil Walikota Sawahlunto, Ketua DPRD, kurator SIMFes, dan banyaktamu undangan lainnya. Peserta yang mengikuti SIMFes 2010 ini datang dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia, bahkan tak sedikit yang datang dari luar negeri.

Dalam sambutannya, para kurator, Edy Utama dan Dr. Hiltrud Cordes, berharap SIMFes diadakan berkelanjutan, setahun sekali. Walikota Sawahlunto pun menyambut baik. Dalam sambutannya disampaikan bahwa DPRD Sawahlunto telah menyetujui untuk diadakannya SIMFes 2011.

"Sebenarnya, kami ingin mengikutsertakan lima benua dalam iven ini. Namun, untuk tahun ini, baru berhasil menggaet tiga benua, yaitu Asia, Afrika, dan Eropa," ujar Edy Utama, kurator, dalam sambutannya.

Pada acara pembukaan tersebut, turut tampil pertunjukan musik siswa SMA 2 Sawahlunto, "Sarumpun Padi." Setelah itu, diperkenalkan peserta SIMFes 2010 berdasarka latar belakang budaya dan tradisi musik yang mereka tampilkan. Penampilan masing-masing peserta mendapat apresiasi dari masyarakat dan undangan yang hadir.

Selanjutnya, ditampilkan pula pertunjukan dari grup Talago Buni, musik kontemporer Minangkabau, kolaborasi berbagai musik etnik (tradisi) di Sumatera Barat.  Dijadwalkan, hingga pukul 02.00 dini hari, masih akan ditampilkan pertunjukan musik tradisi Minangkabau, saluang dan dendang.

Selama dua hari ke depan, penonton akan disuguhkan penampilan menarik dari peserta SIMFes 2010, seperti Minangapentagong Jazzetnik (ISI Padangpanjang-Sumatera Barat), Kelompok Kreatif (FBS-UNP, Sumatera Barat), Togat Nusa (Mentawai), Talago Buni, Etnik Melaka (Malaysia), Keroncong Toegoe (Jakarta), Klaus de Geiger (Jerman), Sarangerel Tserevtsamba (Mongolia), Aly Keita (Afrika), Mohamad Faizal (Singapura). **sumber**

Sebuah acara “hebat” Resmi dimulai di Sawahlunto pada tanggal 3 Desember 2010, event multicultural festival bertaraf internasional - Sawahlunto Internasional Music Festival (SIMFes). Dalam rangka memeriahkan perayaan 122 tahun usia kota arang itu, SIMFes dimulai sejak tanggal 3-5 Desember di salah satu icon wisata kota sawahlunto, yaitu Museum Goedang Ransoem. Tentu saja Cendana Homestay sangat antusias dalam memeriahkan acara ini, karna Cendana Homestay berada tepat di sebelam Museum Goedang Ransoem.

Dalam Festival ini berkumpul para musisi dan budayawan asal nasional maupun internasional seperti Talago Buni (Sumatra Barat), Togat Nusa (Mentawai), Komunitas Kreatif (FBS-Universitas Negeri Padang), Keroncong Toegoe (Jakarta), Kota Arang Perkusi (Swahlunto), La Gandie dan MinangaPentagong Jazzetnik berasal dari ISI Padang Panjang. Sedangkan musisi dari luar negeri, Sangerel Tserevsamba (Mongolia), Klaus Der Geiger (Jerman), Aly Keita (Afrika), Mohamad Faizal (Singapura) dan Musik Etnik Melaka (Malaysia)

“Event ini merupakan suatu kebanggaan dan sekaligus kehormatan bagi kota Sawahlunto, menyelenggarakan sebuah festival musik bertaraf internasional. Dan dapat mengenalkan pariwisata kota budaya ini kepada turis asing maupun masyarakat Indonesia,” ungkap Walikota Sawahlunto Amran Nur

Sawahlunto merupakan kota tua bekas pabrik tambang batubara yang sekarang menjadi salah satu daerah tujuan wisata penting di Sumatra Barat. Sesuai visinya, menjadikan Sawahlunto sebagai kota tambang yang berbudaya, maka berbagai upaya merevitalisasi warisan sejarah dan budaya telah dilakukan, salah satu penunjangnya adalah SIMFes.

“Latarbelakang pelaksanaan kegiatan tersebut, Sawahlunto merupakan kota bersejarah yang tumbuh dan berkembang dalam semangat keragaman etnisitas yang dinamis,” kata Amran. Tentunya, sejarah kota ini tidak dapat dilepaskan dari kehadiran berbagai suku bangsa dari Asia, Eropa, Nusantara dan lokal Minangkabau yang kemudian membentuk mozaik kebudayaan yang masih membekas dengan nyata sampai hari ini.

Sementara itu, kurator Edy Utama mengatakan, pemberian nama SIMfes pada dasarnya merupakan sebuah upaya untuk mengembangkan dialog budaya antar bangsa, berdasarkan semangat idealisme yang masih ada.

Artinya meskipun masing-masing musisi berasal dari latar belakang budaya atau tradisi musik etnik tertentu, namun mereka telah mengkreasikannya menjadi suatu yang baru tanpa kehilangan identitas asalnya. “Ide penyelenggarakan sebuah festival musik bertaraf internasional muncul dari walikota,” ungkapnya.

Tak hanya itu, dalam rangkaian HUT tersebut, Pemko Sawahlunto juga mengelar beberapa kegiatan perlombaan olah raga, pasar malam, festival band Sumbar, Riau dan Jambi. Festival permainan anak nagari, pergelaran seni dan prosesi bajamba serta tabuik. Selain itu, juga digelar pekan Muharam. Ada pameran buku-buku Islam, MTQ festival, qasidah, rabana, pameran pakaian muslim dan tabliq akbar. Di samping menampilkan kebudayan Minang, dalam rangkaian kegiatan tersebut juga ditampilkan pergelaran wayang kulit dan atraksi kuda kepang dan reog ponorogo. Tak ketinggalan, juga dilaksanakan pacu kuda Sawahlunto Derby 2010, yang dipusatkan di gelanggang pacu kuda kandi pada 11-12 Desember 2010, disponsori Bank Nagari dan disiarkan langsung di TVRI Sumbar. **dipetik dari berbagai sumber** Cendana Homestay - isi berita

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Apakah itu Homestay ?
  • Homestay adalah penginapan bagi para wisatawan sebagai alternatif dari menginap di Hotel atau Wisma dengan harga yang terjangkau dan melebur dalam sebuah keluarga.
Apakah Keuntungan Menginap di Homestay?
  • Selain harga yang lebih terjangkau, menginap di Homestay adalah sebuah wisata sosial. Dimana para pengunjung, tamu atau wisatawan tinggal bersama dengan sebuah keluarga, makan bersama dan berbincang bersama layaknya sebuah keluarga. Kedekatan dan kehangatan serta kebersamaan sebuah keluarga akan terasa jika anda menginap di homestay.
Tidakkah terasa risih jika tinggal di Homestay?
  • Tentu saja tidak. Tamu tetap sebagai raja di Homestay kami. Anda akan merasa seperti di rumah sendiri. Hanya tempat yang berbeda dan keluarga yang berbeda. Anda dapat menikmati makanan ala rumah anda dengan harga yang sangat terjangkau.
Apa kelebihan yang diberikan oleh Cendana Homestay?
  • Tentu saja yang utama adalah harga yang sangat terjangkau. Selain itu, Cendana Homestay berada di lokasi yang strategis di Kota Sawahlunto. Cendana Homestay sangat dekat dengan objek-objek wisata di Kota Sawahlunto seperti Museum Goedang Ransoem, Info Box, Loebang Mbah Soero dll.
  • Selain itu, fasilitas kamar yang memenuhi standar akan membuat istirahat anda dan keluarga atau teman2 lebih terasa menyenangkan. 
Apakah bisa pasangan lain jenis menginap di kamar yang sama..?
  • Layaknya tinggal di rumah anda sendiri... tentu saja anda bisa menginap dengan pasangan lain jenis jika telah terikat dalam  sebuah pernikahan. Jika belum, maka anda akan ditempatkan di kamar yang berbeda walau masih dalam 1 rumah yang sama.
Dimana alamat Cendana Homestay ?
  • Cendana Homestay berada di Jalan Tangsi Baru (Kampoeng Tangsi) sebelah IPTEK CENTER Kota Sawahlunto.
  • Anda dapat menghubungi nomer telpon 0754-61017 / 081374047179 dengan Ibu Ben atau 081321373277 dengan Teh Elin
Jadi tunggu apalagi..? Segera berkunjung ke Kota Sawahlunto untuk menikmati wisata sejarah, budaya dan rekreasi. Ada Museum Goedang Ransoem, Iptek Center, Info Box, Loebang Mbah Soero, Taman Kota Lapangan Segitiga, Museum Kereta Api dan Mak Itam,  Puncak Cemara, Puncak Polan, Waterboom, Taman Wisata Resort Kandi dan lain sebagainya. Menginaplah di CENDANA HOMESTAY jika anda ingin berwisata ke Kota Sawahlunto...
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