You do not need to think about the cost of transport to visit the following tourist attraction. Because the attractions below, can conquer only by foot if you stay at the CENDANA Homestay.....!!!
The building was founded in 1918 and serves as a soup kitchen a place to cook food and meet the needs of food for mine workers and RSU Sawahlunto numbering thousands. Namus after independence, this building was some switching functions including :1945-1950, functioning as a place to cook food for the army (TKRI). 1950-1960, as a place for the interests of the administration of coal mining companies Ombilin. 1960-1970 as a place of formal education level of junior secondary school (SMP Ombilin). 1970-1980, serves as a residence and occupancy Ombilin coal mine employees. 1980-2004 karyawn and serves as a residential community as well. 2004-2005, ddI revitalization of this building and on 17 December 2005 was inaugurated as a museum Goedang Ransoem.
To reach this place from Cendana Homestay Sawahlunto, you do not need to bother. Coz' Cendana Homestay Sawahlunto still in the complex and the same area with the Museum Goedang Ransoem.
Learning While Playing in science and technology CENTER Sawahlunto. The building that used science and technology CENTER This is a rice storage place for the Netherlands in the past (Goedang Rice), but now filled with science teaching aids. From this instrument we can learn the laws of physics such as force, gravity, pressure, energy, electrical, and chemical sciences such as distillation system.
This vehicle is the means of the first science center in Sumatra and the fourth in Indonesia, this should be a pride for the community Sawahlunto. In science and technology can we meet CENTER TOWERS HANOI, KOMPOR SUN, TORNADO Vortex, jumping RING, AIR TRACK, MAGIC Square 15, and many more.
It is expected that science and technology CENTER is a medium of learning for young people to develop creativity and foster a love of science and technology; for educators to teach science and technology with issues of popular and hit in the community, for families and communities to learn more about science and technology especially in addressing local, national and global; for experts to be able to communicate science to the public through popular themes and language, as well as for R & D sector, universities and industry in the dissemination and promotion of the results of R & D and production to the public.
This vehicle is the means of the first science center in Sumatra and the fourth in Indonesia, this should be a pride for the community Sawahlunto. In science and technology can we meet CENTER TOWERS HANOI, KOMPOR SUN, TORNADO Vortex, jumping RING, AIR TRACK, MAGIC Square 15, and many more.
It is expected that science and technology CENTER is a medium of learning for young people to develop creativity and foster a love of science and technology; for educators to teach science and technology with issues of popular and hit in the community, for families and communities to learn more about science and technology especially in addressing local, national and global; for experts to be able to communicate science to the public through popular themes and language, as well as for R & D sector, universities and industry in the dissemination and promotion of the results of R & D and production to the public.
To reach this place from Cendana Homestay Sawahlunto, you do not need to bother. Coz' Cendana Homestay Sawahlunto still in the complex and the same area with the IPTEK CENTER.
Soero hole is a tunnel under ground or under the township residents who have long hallways. This corridor begins from the village to the Field office of parliament. That is, the hall was Soero Mbah holes up to 1.5 km with a slope of nearly 20 degrees. Soero pit mining in this is the starting point in the city Sawahlunto open pit mining. Hole Creation Soero made since the year 1891 while the construction is done in the year 1898. Not much different from other mining areas, in holes Soero also using inmates known as the 'Orang Rantai'.
In the course of its history, location very close to the hole Soero Trunk Lunto that brings harm to the environment and the mine itself. That is, the hole had been dug with difficulty and is in the former had closed because of water originating from Trunk Lunto infiltration.
In the course of its history, location very close to the hole Soero Trunk Lunto that brings harm to the environment and the mine itself. That is, the hole had been dug with difficulty and is in the former had closed because of water originating from Trunk Lunto infiltration.
Consequently in 1932 in Hole Soero was forced to stop. At some point in the Hole Soero was forced to close again for the sake of avoiding a greater hazard. Closing this hole made with concrete walls. While it had closed, but after independence hole Mbah Soero Mine reopened in part to conduct an investigation. However, the same condition in 1932 re-encounter. That is, mining equipment can not be done as it is covered by water seepage Lunto Trunk.
Mbah Soero himself known as a foreman was very close to the chain of people and society, he is also known to have high kebathinan science. Because the ability to get along with this high science pupalah Mbah Soero eventually become a role model of society. Mbah Suro was memilki five children with 13 grandchildren. While his wife a midwife. Mbah Suro died before 1930 and is buried in the cemetery One chain, the Tanjung Sari, Sawahlunto.
Along the way some people mention this first open pit mine by the name of 'Loebang Segar', because the holes are located in the Valley Fresh. However, from some of the most popular name in the community of Sawahlunto is Mine Mbah Soero hole.
When we look at the history of manufacturing and mining dilematika is extremely high. Starting from the history, the story and the story of the chain can not get out of this hole Soero. In line with the vision of the city Sawahlunto Mine Tour is a cultured city then, the municipal government to reopen Sawahlunto witness history.
Mbah Soero himself known as a foreman was very close to the chain of people and society, he is also known to have high kebathinan science. Because the ability to get along with this high science pupalah Mbah Soero eventually become a role model of society. Mbah Suro was memilki five children with 13 grandchildren. While his wife a midwife. Mbah Suro died before 1930 and is buried in the cemetery One chain, the Tanjung Sari, Sawahlunto.
Along the way some people mention this first open pit mine by the name of 'Loebang Segar', because the holes are located in the Valley Fresh. However, from some of the most popular name in the community of Sawahlunto is Mine Mbah Soero hole.
When we look at the history of manufacturing and mining dilematika is extremely high. Starting from the history, the story and the story of the chain can not get out of this hole Soero. In line with the vision of the city Sawahlunto Mine Tour is a cultured city then, the municipal government to reopen Sawahlunto witness history.
Info Box located in Tangsi Baru. This building by the local government Sawahlunto recommended as Information Center Sawahlunto history of coal mining. Initially, the Info Box is a place of stock field (buildup of coal) were excavated from the hole Coal Mine Mbah Soero. In 1947 at this location was built Meetinghouse Labor (GPB). This building serves as a place of entertainment as well as a place to gamble for the miners workers who live around the area of Field Soil and Water Cold, this is where the miners spend their money after they received their wages.
Built in 1916 under the name "Ombilin Meinen" functioning as a mining office. And until now, still used as a mining office of PT BA UPO.
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