For some people, this name may not be familiar. Could have a lot of sense. But early in the year 2009, the name Mak Itam familiar in the ears and mouth Sawahlunto community. And instead of these names may not resonate throughout West Sumatra and Indonesia and several neighboring countries. Once a great selection of name so the name Mak Itam contribute Sawahlunto raised and introduced as a historical tourist destination. Print media, television and radio many who write about this mak Itam. Even among bloggers, these names began to talk about.
What and Who?
Maybe the question for those of you who may be new this time heard the name Mak Itam. What and who is he? What is greatness? Why Mak Itam a highlight for tourists locally or overseas? I may be biased a little to explain what I know so far.
Mak Itam is a Steam Locomotive Series E1060 Germany in 1965, was once used to pull carriages containing coal from heading to the port Sawahlunto Emmahaven (currently called: Gulf Bayur), at the Padang. Since no transport activity was the operation that uses a train in West Sumatra, Mak Itam finally taken and stored at the Railway Museum Ambarawa, Central Java.
Currently, Mak Itam back Sawahlunto. Top persistent Wako Amran Nur and the Community Care of West Sumatra Railway (MPKS) to negotiate with the central government, especially the minister of transportation and the KAI (Kereta Api Indonesia). And more great again, Mr. Vice President Jusuf Kala finally come to facilitate the return of this Mak Itam.
Various events to welcome the arrival of Mak Itam was held. Sawahlunto community seemed very enthusiastic and take joy Mak Itam welcomed the return of this. Promotions were improved in order to give informed Mak Itam return across regions, all forms of media and all other forms of promotion. Great ..!
In his speech, Major of Sawahlunto, Ir. Amran Nur says emphatically when Mak Itam has a spirit that will restore memories that never happened in this coal-producing city. Mak Itam is an icon of tourism in Sawahlunto which will increase the number of tourist visits in the city.
"Today (December 15, 2008) is a new historical record for Sawahlunto. Cab of the planned steam discharged from three years ago is now manifest.'s Been two times but finally the turn of the new minister of home bias now .." Amran Nur said at the time.
"This locomotive is the object that has a high historical value. The objects made in Germany is very meaningful, because when I first transported to Sawahlunto, he was released by the German national anthem, accompanied by the orchestra," he said.
According to Business Development Director of PT. Kereta Api Indonesia, Julison Arifin, this steam cab including an old steam cab in the world. For Indonesia, the cab was only two steam age. One longer in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, which is only as a display. And the cab of steam is expected to contribute large as when first operated.
Mak Itam officially launching the operation directly by the Ministry of Communications Republic of Indonesia, accompanied by Governor of West Sumatra and several rows of astis capital.
Authors: Seeget
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